Sabtu, 07 November 2009

How To Make Carrot, Celery, Radish Cabbage and Red Potatoes Juice Combination

This juice was very good for the sufferer Asthma. If that can combination technically certain breathing and the protection of the exact body, could help reduced the asthma attack. Magnesium that was contained in parsley could give the calm effect, even so with celery. His garlic functioned as anti the bacteria, antibiotik, the antiseptic, and antivirus

Materials :
200 gr Carrot

Jumat, 06 November 2009

How To Make Salad and Pear Mix Juice

This drink just like nutrition that was important for the body and low glycaemic. Very ideal was drunk before and after carrying out the activity of sport. This juice was very good for replaced the liquid that left the body while carrying out the activity of sport

Materials :

40 gr Salad
3 pieces Pear
100 ml Water
1 tablespoon Sugar
Some Ice Cubes
The Instructions :
  1. First wash and slice the Salad and Pear
  2. Put them into a blender and blend for one minute
  3. Next do the same remaining sugar, water, and ice cubes
  4. Pour them into a glass
  5. Mix all and stir
  6. Have to Enjoy it !!

Kamis, 05 November 2009

How To Make Bit, Apple, and Carrot Combination Juice

This juice was rich in Vitamins of C, Folic Acid and Iron that were nutrition that was needed by them who liked to play sport. Bit had the sharp smell, when being increased water will become great Isotonic for the process of the exercise. Very good as the choice for the heating before to activities.

Materials :

2 piece Bit the small measurement
1 piece Carrot
2 piece Apples
2 tablespoons Sugar
300 ml Water
Some Ice Cubes

The Instructions
  1. First wash and slices the Bit, Carrot and Apple
  2. Put the pieces of Bit, Carrot and Apple together into a blender and blend on high for one minute
  3. Next pour the juice into a glass
  4. And then boil the water and add the sugar, stir !
  5. Pour into glass juice and mixed up
  6. Finally don't forget to add ice cubes

Rabu, 04 November 2009

How To Make Watermelon and Strawberry Mix Juice

This juice was very good for neutralis poison. Rich in Betakarotin and Vitamin C also contained Zinc and Potassium that really were good for opposed various illness kinds

Materials :

200 gr (2 slices) Watermelon
200 gr Strawberry
1 tablespoon Sugar
Some Ice Cube

The Instructions :
  1. First wash the Watermelon and Strawberry
  2. And then put the Watermelon and Strawberry into a blender and blend on high for 1 minute
  3. After that pour the juice into glass
  4. Next add the sugar and stir
  5. Finally add Ice Cubes that if you want
  1. NOTICE : JUST FOR 200 ml

Selasa, 03 November 2009

How To Make Kiwi and Cucumber Combination Juice

This juice was very good for the Hypertension Sufferer. The content of Vitamin C and Potassium that were high could to this juice help reduced blood pressur.

Materials :

250 gr Kiwi
125 gr Cucumber
1 tablespoon Pome Seed
2 tablespoon Sugar
1 tablespoon Vanilla Syrup
150 ml Water
Some Ice Cubes

The Instruction :
  1. First wash and slices the Kiwi and Cucumber
  2. And then put Kiwi, Cucumber, Sugar, and Pome seed together with some into a blender and blend on high for 2 minutes
  3. Next do the same to the remaining vanilla syrup, water and some ice cubes
  4. Finally pour the juice into same glasses
  5. Have enjoy it


Senin, 02 November 2009

How To Make Blueberries, Grapefruit, and Apple Juice

This juice was very good for lowered cholesterol. Rich in Vitamins C, Bioflavanoids, and Antioxsidan that could maintain the health of the body and the artery, prevented the blood vessels constriction and reduced the level cholesterol.

The Materials :
250 gr Blueberries,
125 gr Grapefruit,
250 gr Apples,
2,5 cm Ginger
2 Tablespoon Sugar
Adequate Water
Ice Cubes

The Instruction :
  1. Wash and peel the apples, grapefruit, ginger, and blueberries,
  2. After that put them inside juicer,
  3. And then add water,
  4. Next add 2 tablespoon sugar,
  5. Then put all in a blender and blend on high through to integrate,
  6. Pour in glasses,
  7. Finally add ice cubes in according to your appetite

Minggu, 01 November 2009

How To Make Blackberry Juice

The rich classic combination juice for radical oxidant, vitamin C and vitamin E also contained vitamins B6, copper, phosphorus, and calcium that were very good for the health of bones

Materials :
3 Apples,
150 gr berry black,
350 ml water,
Adequate sugar

The Instruction :
  1. Wash and peel the apples and blackberry,
  2. After that put them inside juicer,
  3. And then add 350 ml of water,
  4. And add adequate sugar,
  5. Next mixer all of them through to integrate,
  6. Pour in glasses,
  7. Finally add ice in according appetite,